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Products available through various carriers. 

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 Life Insurance


One of life’s certainties is death. Have you prepared for this reality? Most of us don’t receive a warning as to when or where this event will take place. Whether you’re young or old, death is mentally devastating to all who care about you so why not eliminate the financial burden incurred and associated with your passing. Leave your dependent child(ren), significant other, or loved one a legacy or the ability to sustain life after your death. Your present health and financial responsibilities are factors which will influence the determination of coverage that’s right for you. Let’s discuss your term and permanent life insurance options today.

Do you have physical conditions which prevent you from obtaining life insurance? Ask me about a Guaranteed Whole Life policy that doesn't care about your medical history or require a medical exam.

Calculate your Insurance Need or get Term Insurance Quote 

Disability Income

Your most valuable asset is your ability to earn a living. How would you continue to support yourself or your family if you were disabled for any length of time because of an illness or injury?

The risk is real. A 35-year old worker is six times more likely to become disabled than die before he or she reaches age 65.1 And nearly 50 percent of mortgage foreclosures are caused by disability (only 2 percent are caused by death).2

Some disabilities include:

  • Injuries suffered at work
  • Injuries suffered during recreation activities
  • Bed rest due to complications of pregnancy
  • Car accidents

    1American Council of Life Insurers, 2005
    2 Health Affairs, The Policy Journal of the Health Sphere, Feb 2, 2005

     Critical Illness

    Nearly all of us knows someone who understands first-hand the challenges a critical illness poses.

     A friend who was diagnosed with cancer… a co-worker who had a heart attack… a loved one who suffered a stroke And while the odds of surviving a critical illness have never been better, survival has a price.


    Medical treatment has never been more advanced, but it’s also never been more expensive. Patients today may receive better care, but they often experience financial hardship because of the many expenses their insurance doesn’t cover such as:


    • Child care
    • Time away from work (possibly for spouse as well)
    • Domestic help like cooking, cleaning, laundry and lawn maintenance
    • Necessary home modifications
    • Transportation and lodging costs to seek the best treatment


    Long-Term Care


    Ever thought about how you will live the last days of your life? Technology has allowed us to live longer however, we can’t control whether we will live out our days as able-bodied people or with physical limitations which force us to be dependent upon other people for our basic daily needs. Wouldn't it be nice to have input as to whether you will be surrounded by loved ones in the comfort of home, with friends in an assisted living or independent living community, or in a skilled nursing facility of choice? A long-term care policy gives you that control and options, keeps you from exhausting the assets you’ve spent a lifetime accumulating, and minimizes the financial burden placed on those who care about you and who will be responsible for taking care of you.  






























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